> Thanks, but let me rephrase my question.
> There seems to be a requirement for us to process SSL app data from
> kernel,
> wherein I would like to read the sk_buff and pass it to a crypto
> acclerator
> (hardware/software), but we face a problem wherein for block ciphers,
> we need
> to ensure the data segment within the sk_buff is a multiple of the
> block cipher
> length, otherwise, we need to do a buffer copy and maintain the
> remaining data
> in some kernel memory, prequeue it and append it to the next sk_buff..
> If openssl does support SSL_read/SSL_write from kernel, then I could
> simply
> call it otherwise, have to write my own SSL_read/SSL_write functions..
> Please let me know if such support is available or someone has already
> attempted
> this..
I'm not sure whether we talking of SSL or some_block_cipher_mode.
If you want get from some source stream of data encrypted by
block cipher (for example in CBC mode) and decrypt it you may
use OpenSSL EVP interface (which take care of block "remainders"
on any stage).
But if you want put this in kernel code - for me better solution
is to write yourself some cipher_mode then get some parts from OpenSSL.

Best regards, 
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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