Nils Larsch schrieb:
> Frank Büttner wrote:
>> So now I think it is an bug in the version 0.9.8b. Because with lib
>> 0.9.8a it will not happened. Can some one verify it?
> I've just tested "openssl ciphers trash" with openssl 0.9.8a, 0.9.8b
> and the cvs version (openssl ciphers calls SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list())
> and all correctly return an error so I'm unable to reproduce your
> problem.
> Cheers,
> Nils
Now I works, after add some debug code to display the openSSL version I
have found, that windows don't respect the search path at all time. So
it has not use my openSSL. It was using an old one that comes with some
other app, witch has place the lib under the system32 dir. And Windows
seems only look on the search path, when it don't find the in the
system32 dir. The OpenSSL lib that fails was 0.9.7c. But at 0.9.8b it

Thanks for the help,

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