snacktime wrote:
[...] I could generate a
random key for each request, encyrpt it, and stick it in the database
with the request, but I was hoping for a simpler solution.  Are there
any asymmetric ciphers in openssl that don't have the same limitation
on the amount of data that can be encrypted?  The data still isn't
that large, probably 20 times the key size at most, so I don't think
performance would be an issue, or would it?
The other way would be to encrypt your data in packets which are equal to the key size (like it is done with most symmetric protocols), but you indeed may run into performance problems. Usually the hybrid way of combining symmetric and asymertic ciphers is used because of performance reasons.

And just to straighten out terminology: what you are talking about has nothing to do with PKI (Public Key Infrastrucure)... ;)

Hope it helps.

PGP Public Key Information
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Key fingerprint = 31B0 E029 BCF9 6605 DAC1  B2E1 0CC8 70F4 7AFB 8D26

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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