Hello Florian,

--On Donnerstag, Juli 05, 2007 17:59:01 +0200 Florian MANACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, I didn't even know that function.

What does it do ?

It loads all certificate files (and CRL files) in the directory
and generates a short 4 byte hash from the common name of the cert.
Then it creates a link with the hash as file name pointing to the
certificate file.

The lookup hash_dir searches the issuer of a certificate
by calculating the hash on the issuer name. Then it searchs for
a file with this 4 byte hash as file name and loads the cert
in it.
There is some more black magic in it (to handle hash collisions)
but basically that is it.

So to find the issuer of a certificate, LOOKUP_hash_dir() *needs*
the data generated by the c_rehash command on that directory.
(adding and removing certificates require a new run of c_rehash)



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