Hi All,

we are working on client - server architecture. We are using openssl for
My problem is that - while transferring data, SSL_read() always fails (after
transferring few KB of data).
The follwoing error is returned -
 SSL_read() returns SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

"error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):DH lib"

This always happens between data transfer.

Here's the code snippet
gSSL = SSL_new(ctx);

SSL_set_fd(gSSL, m_Socket);

result = SSL_connect(gSSL);

//Get certificate

** the following piece of code is giving problem

ret=select(1,&sckt,NULL,NULL, &timeout);


ret = SSL_read(gSSL,buffer,size);

Any help is much appreciated.

Warm Regards,

Arun S.

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