> Ummm, I realize that.  I've tried hunting down where the
> incremental_send method is and I can't find it anywhere.

It's in your book.

> Can you give some suggestions on the "rational troubleshooting"
> you recommend?

Check your source code for references to "incremental_send". You can use
"grep" for this purpose.

> I have no idea what the cc4DdydW.o file is, I'm assuming this
> is being produced by the compiler.

It could be, but there's really no way to tell. One good way to figure out
what it is would be to compile your code and then separately link it. This
will allow you to easily check what symbols each file defines and which
symbols it needs.

> Where is the symbol table and how do I examine it?

The "nm" command will do this.

> Pardon my ignorance.  I've also googled for "incremental_send", which
> per the OpenSSL book I'm using is supposed to be contained in one of the
> OpenSSL files that 'm including, and google doesn't provide me anything
> useful on it.

I think you are misunderstanding the book. I think it provides
"incremental_send" as an example function. You call this function without
providing the code for it, hence the reason it shows up as undefined.

Does your code call "incremental_send"?


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