
The client is configured with SSLv3_client_method.

*ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method());*

 Whenever the client tries to connect to server with any CBC ciphers like
DES-CBC3-SHA, the SSL handshake is successful but when the
client tries to send data to server,say 10 bytes, I see from ethereal that
two application records are sent. But the server does not report reading
that data. With cipher RC4-MD5, this is not seen. 10 bytes are sent in one
application record and server reports the receiving of that particular data.

Now when I set the *SSL_CTX_set_options*
*(or SSL_OP_ALL), data exchange with CBC ciphers are successful.

What is happening here? Can someone please explain the theory behind

Prabhu. S

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