Hi Shankar,

if you're dealing with OFTP2 (I assume you're implementing this because of older posts refering to the protocol and its RFC), you may inspect the field SFIDSEC. Taken from the RFC 5024, ch. 5.3.3:

      Value: '00'  No security services
             '01'  Encrypted
             '02'  Signed
             '03'  Encrypted and signed

Indicates whether the file has been signed and/or encrypted
             before transmission.

This should answer your question. Anticipating your next question: compression is indicated via the flag SFIDCOMP (where a value of zero [0] means no compression and one [1] is ZLIB compression).


Am 21.04.2008 um 20:32 schrieb shankar ks:

Hi ..

When we sign a file using pkcs7_sign with the given set of flags , how does the receiver know and have to use the appropriate flag for verification ..

--Best Regards

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