Hm... I don't have the sources for 0.9.7 around, but when I quickly
look at the 0.9.9 code, it shouldn't do this (a2i_ASN1_INTEGER() is
used to convert the hex text in the file to a BigNum and to address
the sign mentioned before: AFAICS that routine requires an ASCII '-'
to identify negative values; it does not 'sign-extend' hex digits;
besides, if it ad, we'd already been in trouble when the serial went
from '7F' to '80')

It may be that apps/ca.c + apps/apps.c in 0.9.7a is not (yet) using
this a2i_... function or that there's a typecast to char or some such
around (your problem smells a lot like that), so the only way out for
now that I can imagine is get an OpenSSL source tree from,
dump it in a temp directory for testing and build/compile it so you
get another apps/ca binary in there; it's not hard to do, so you
should be fine. Just read the instructions for configure and make and
you should be good to go.

Then it will probably work out okay if you copy that demoCA directory
of yours over the openssl-testdir/apps/demoCA directory, then try
running the newly compiled ca binary to produce certificate with
serial '0100'. Should work out all right, though I must state that I
haven't used ca+demoCA enough to surpass the byte boundary you've run

So not a sure solution, but a probable direction towards solving this.



PS: and yes, generally you can replace the demoCA directory across
OpenSSL versions of apps/ca, but always test to make sure when you
migrate (just a general 'test-before-release' note, nothing particular
to OpenSSL). Done it several times myself in my dev/test environments.

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 6:26 AM, David Skeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for response!
> Not sure what U are referring to about illegal cert number.
> Here is some more info:
> cacert.pem  crl        index.txt.old  pem      serial
> certs       index.txt  newcerts       private  serial.old
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] demoCA]# cat serial
> 0100
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] demoCA]# cat serial.old
> FF
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] demoCA]# ls newcerts
> 01.pem  1B.pem  35.pem  4F.pem  69.pem  83.pem  9D.pem  B7.pem  D1.pem
> EB.pem
> 02.pem  1C.pem  36.pem  50.pem  6A.pem  84.pem  9E.pem  B8.pem  D2.pem
> EC.pem
> 03.pem  1D.pem  37.pem  51.pem  6B.pem  85.pem  9F.pem  B9.pem  D3.pem
> ED.pem
> 04.pem  1E.pem  38.pem  52.pem  6C.pem  86.pem  A0.pem  BA.pem  D4.pem
> EE.pem
> 05.pem  1F.pem  39.pem  53.pem  6D.pem  87.pem  A1.pem  BB.pem  D5.pem
> EF.pem
> 06.pem  20.pem  3A.pem  54.pem  6E.pem  88.pem  A2.pem  BC.pem  D6.pem
> F0.pem
> 07.pem  21.pem  3B.pem  55.pem  6F.pem  89.pem  A3.pem  BD.pem  D7.pem
> F1.pem
> 08.pem  22.pem  3C.pem  56.pem  70.pem  8A.pem  A4.pem  BE.pem  D8.pem
> F2.pem
> 09.pem  23.pem  3D.pem  57.pem  71.pem  8B.pem  A5.pem  BF.pem  D9.pem
> F3.pem
> 0A.pem  24.pem  3E.pem  58.pem  72.pem  8C.pem  A6.pem  C0.pem  DA.pem
> F4.pem
> 0B.pem  25.pem  3F.pem  59.pem  73.pem  8D.pem  A7.pem  C1.pem  DB.pem
> F5.pem
> 0C.pem  26.pem  40.pem  5A.pem  74.pem  8E.pem  A8.pem  C2.pem  DC.pem
> F6.pem
> 0D.pem  27.pem  41.pem  5B.pem  75.pem  8F.pem  A9.pem  C3.pem  DD.pem
> F7.pem
> 0E.pem  28.pem  42.pem  5C.pem  76.pem  90.pem  AA.pem  C4.pem  DE.pem
> F8.pem
> 0F.pem  29.pem  43.pem  5D.pem  77.pem  91.pem  AB.pem  C5.pem  DF.pem
> F9.pem
> 10.pem  2A.pem  44.pem  5E.pem  78.pem  92.pem  AC.pem  C6.pem  E0.pem
> FA.pem
> 11.pem  2B.pem  45.pem  5F.pem  79.pem  93.pem  AD.pem  C7.pem  E1.pem
> FB.pem
> 12.pem  2C.pem  46.pem  60.pem  7A.pem  94.pem  AE.pem  C8.pem  E2.pem
> FC.pem
> 13.pem  2D.pem  47.pem  61.pem  7B.pem  95.pem  AF.pem  C9.pem  E3.pem
> FD.pem
> 14.pem  2E.pem  48.pem  62.pem  7C.pem  96.pem  B0.pem  CA.pem  E4.pem
> FE.pem
> 15.pem  2F.pem  49.pem  63.pem  7D.pem  97.pem  B1.pem  CB.pem  E5.pem
> FF.pem
> 16.pem  30.pem  4A.pem  64.pem  7E.pem  98.pem  B2.pem  CC.pem  E6.pem
> 17.pem  31.pem  4B.pem  65.pem  7F.pem  99.pem  B3.pem  CD.pem  E7.pem
> 18.pem  32.pem  4C.pem  66.pem  80.pem  9A.pem  B4.pem  CE.pem  E8.pem
> 19.pem  33.pem  4D.pem  67.pem  81.pem  9B.pem  B5.pem  CF.pem  E9.pem
> 1A.pem  34.pem  4E.pem  68.pem  82.pem  9C.pem  B6.pem  D0.pem  EA.pem
> I am not fully comprehending the whole demoCA procedure, however it is
> rather odd that things have stopped working as the serial number ticks
> over to 0100 from FF. Was hoping someone might have come across this
> before ...
> Also, as a potential solution, is there a method for simply copying over
> a demoCA from an old server to a new server?
> David Skeen
> JDS Solutions
> On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 20:19 -0700, David Schwartz wrote:
>> >         I have had a look around and it appears that the serial number
>> >         for the
>> >         last certificate created was FF (hex), indicating 256
>> >         certificates have
>> >         so far been created. The next number in the serial file is 0100,
>> >         which
>> >         would seem the logical next number, however the certificate
>> >         signing
>> >         bails out on me.
>> FF is not a legal certificate number. Certificate numbers must not be
>> negative. (0xFF has the sign bit set and hence is negative.)
>> DS
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Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Ger Hobbelt

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