
I am trying to install Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8g.exe on Windows 2003 server with
an uattended install.  I saw the exchange shown below at
.  I downloaded Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8g.exe and Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8h.exe from
http://www.slproweb.com/.  I tried installing each with the following
options: "/silent" and "/verysilent /sp-".  I get the same warning message
about closing the any open command prompts before continuing with the
installation.  Is there a a version that will install silently, and if so
where can I download it.

Thank You,

Joe Steorts
Computer Sciences Corporation

 > Hello,                                                              
 > We are trying to mass install the Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8g.exe OpenSSL   
 > program on 3000+ Windows 2003 server systems across multiple datacenters
 > using a combination of SMS and group policy. The problem is that    
 > SMS/group policy launches a cmd.exe process to kick off the install 
 > argument (c:\temp>Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8g.exe /silent) and this makes a 
 > pop-up window appear prompting a user to continue the installation. 
 > Are there any other arguments that would suppress this prompt and thus
 > make the OpenSSL install be a true "?silent" installation so we could
 > perform mass installations without any manual intervention? Or are there
 > any other OpenSSL .exe downloads that would allow this, such as a newer
 > version?                                                            
 > Thank you,                                                          
 > Darrel Earhart                                                      
 ...[?,show rest of quote]                                             
 This list isn't the place for such questions.  (Thankfully, I lurk  
 around here though).                                                  
 To answer the question though, the installer technology used is       
 InnoSetup.  Unfortunately, you appear to have stumbled onto a bug with
 the main script.  Even with '/verysilent /sp-', the message box doesn't
 get suppressed.  I've (hopefully) fixed this and uploaded new binaries.
   Try those.                                                        
 Thomas Hruska                                                         
 Shining Light Productions                                             
 Home of BMP2AVI, Nuclear Vision, ProtoNova, and Win32 OpenSSL.        

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