./Configure --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared os/compiler:"gcc 
-march=i386" -lnsl -lsocket\
 2>&1 | tee log.conf && exit $PIPESTATUS) &&

I have found the best way to pass non-std gcc flags is to set the os/compiler to "gcc -flags". In this case -lnsl and -lsocket are not set by default and are needed for the openssl sample application and for some test builds. Confifure and config has a mechanism to pass -D -l and -L flags, and so I do not include them as part of my os/compiler parameter.

If it helps I also have some old linux builds for openssl-0.9.8a and 0.9.6j.

Paul Rogers wrote:
[safeTgram (safetgram-in) receive status: NOT encrypted, NOT signed.]

On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 22:54:41 -0700, "Kyle Hamilton" <aerow...@gmail.com>
Did you run './config 386'?

Mostly I was following a LFS page:
# linux-elf is close, but we need -march=i386 instead of -m486
cp Configure{,.backup} &&
sed '/^"linux-elf"/s/486/386/' Configure.backup > Configure &&
rm -f Configure.backup &&
(./Configure 386 linux-elf --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared \
  2>&1 | tee log.conf && exit $PIPESTATUS) &&

That's to eliminate any confusion I thought might exist with
linux-elf's m486.  I've tried half a dozen things I though might
help, what they hey, what's one more?  I can try config, it
just ends up running configure anyhow.


"Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples." George Burns.
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