Michael Kurecka wrote:

> Thank you for your help that is definitely a point in the right
> direction; however, it leaves me more baffled. I found the only
> SSL_CTX_new function that is in the code and it is being passed
> the TLSv1_method not an SSLv*_method which is what it should be
> according to your statement. So what else could cause it to call
> a different method? Is there an attribute of the SSL_CTX structure
> that I could display to see what version is going to be called that
> I could use to help trace the problem?

Most likely, you're getting a connection from a non-FIPS endpoint that's
forcing you to use a protocol that's not FIPS compliant. I'm not sure why
you're seeing what you're seeing though -- it should just have reported that
it was unable to negotiate compatible protocols (assuming the other end was
not capable of TLSv1).

It may help to set SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 and SSL_OP_NOSSLv3.

Maybe you're setting FIPS mode too late and incompatible algorithms have
already been added?


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