
I have been trying to read the keys generated by "openssl genrsa ..." and "openssl rsa -pubout ..." commands.

I successfully (according to the return code) read the private key with

if (in = BIO_new_file("rsakey.pem", "r")) {
        int ok;
        printf ("Created private BIO\n");
        ok = (PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(in, &rsa, NULL, NULL) != NULL);
        printf ("ok = %s\n", (ok != 0) ? "true":"false");

but the similar code using PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey() doesn't want to work.

Can someone help with ether some example code, or some idea what I am doing wrong?

I want to be able to encript/decrypt a string with both the private and public keys.

Hopefully Neil.

#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <stdio.h>

BIO *bio_err=0;

int main (int argc, char**argv)
	SSL_CTX *ctx;
	SSL *ssl;
	BIO *sbio;

	RSA *rsa;

#if 0
	if ((rsa = RSA_new()) != NULL) {
		printf ("Allocated new RSA structure\n");
		if (RSA_print(bio_err, rsa, 0) == 0)
			printf ("Failed to print\n");
		printf ("size = %d bytes\n", RSA_size(rsa));
#if 0
	if ((rsa = RSA_generate_key(2048, 17, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) {
		int ok;
		printf ("Allocated new RSA structure\n");
		ok = PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(stdout, rsa);
	if ((rsa = RSA_new()) != NULL) {
		printf ("Allocated new RSA structure\n");
		BIO *in;
		if (in = BIO_new_file("rsakey.pem", "r")) {
			int ok;
			printf ("Created private BIO\n");
			ok = (PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(in, &rsa, NULL, NULL) != NULL);
			printf ("ok = %s\n", (ok != 0) ? "true":"false");

		if (in = BIO_new_file("pubkey.pem", "r")) {
			int ok;
			printf ("Created public BIO\n");
			ok = (PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(in, &rsa, NULL, NULL) != NULL);
			printf ("ok = %s\n", (ok != 0) ? "true":"false");

		PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(stdout, rsa);

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