Moshe, Kfir schrieb:
> Hey
> I would like to modify the source code of some functions in OpenSSL
> Since I’m working under Windows and have Visual Studio installed, the
> easiest way to do so will be by creating a visual studio project with
> the source code
> Has anyone ever did something like that, is there by a chance a
> prepared visual studio project already?
I tried it and stopped after ~4 hours.
You have to read the ./Makefile which comes out of perl Configure no-asm
debug-VC-WIN32 very carefully.
Take pen & paper.
Next, split makefile into modules with same -D and -I settings.
Start new VS project solution, consisting of multiple static libraries
8you guessed it: one for each plit module)
next, read ms\ssleay32.def and ms\libeay32.def
again pen & paper, find out, what modules go to ssleay and what to libeay
Add 2 DLLs to your project, ssleay32 libeay32
select the appropriate LIBs in "project depends on..."

I think this could last a day or two...

have fun,
Modem Man

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