Thanks all for the information.  This is good stuff to know too.  What
I was really trying to understand is the nuts-n-bolts mechanics of how
a legit CA certificate differs from a self-created one (I know, this
is a dumb question...)

For example, I can create my own for test purposes this way:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

However, if I turn on cert verfication in my programs, this one gets
rejects straight away (unknown CA).

I presume the reason is because I have generated my own key to produce
this cert.

Is it possible to create a CA cert that looks and feels like a root
cert issued from a legit company, like Verisign etc?  I just want it
to work in a test environment to ensure that cert verification works
for both client and server certificates.

Thanks again for your patience,


On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 4:02 AM, Konrads Smelkovs <> wrote:
> As somebody who audits CAs for purpose of them getting into trusted root
> list, this is what you have to do:
> a) Obtain WebTrust for certification authorities or ETSI 101 456 standard (+
> EV guidelines from
> b) Implement systems in line with one of these standards. Not cheap. HSM
> devices alone cost $10k & upwards.
> c) Get somebody who is trustworthy (think accountants or one of Big 4
> auditor companies, i recommend KPMG as I work for them) and/or webtrust
> accredited auditors (who can certify) to audit you. First time you will
> almost fail, but if the auditor is an advisor, he'll help you through. Not a
> cheap thing to do either.
> d) Submit your application to microsoft trusted root list program, mozilla,
> opera and everybody else. MS has deadlines on march and september for
> submission
> e) Every  12 months, repeat audit.
> f) Ask yourself, do you really need it and get maybe some CA to cross sign
> you.
> --
> Konrads Smelkovs
> Applied IT sorcery.
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Patrick Patterson <>
> wrote:
>> On 28-May-10, at 8:04 PM, Dallas Clement wrote:
>>> This is probably a dumb question, but if I wanted to be come the next
>>> Verisign of this world, how do I create a legitimate CA cert?  I'd
>>> like to be able to create my own that passes verification without
>>> throwing errors, like "unknown CA".
>> Well, the first thing that you do, is do things that build "Trust", or the
>> perception that you are trustworthy. Invest in hardware that will protect
>> the CA's keys. Build processes that protect those keys. Use facilities that
>> give the impression of trust (if you've ever been to Verisign HQ for a key
>> ceremony, you'll appreciate the amount of "theater" that they do :). Then,
>> document all of these in your "Certificate Policy" and Certification
>> Practice Statement, along with all of the ways that you go about binding
>> people or servers to their associated keys, and how you manage all of your
>> personnel and facilities that are used in the operation of the CA, and
>> issuance of certificates by that CA. When you cut your keys, do it in the
>> presence of an auditor, and according to a proper key ceremony script.
>> Once you have this, then get audited to prove that you are following your
>> certificate policy. Most of the browser vendors, to be included in their
>> "Trusted Roots" list, like to see a Webtrust audit. If you want to be
>> included in the list that can validate EVSSL certs, then you have to also
>> follow the guidelines of the CA/Browser forum.
>> Most of the vendors, however, also have the caveat that in order to be
>> included in their list, you have to be a commercial entity that are issuing
>> certs to "John Q Public". If you only issue to people within a small, closed
>> community, then you'll have to talk pretty fast to get them to accept your
>> CA into their browser.
>> That's it. If you need any help, give us a call :)
>> ---
>> Patrick Patterson
>> President and Chief PKI Architect
>> Carillon Information Security Inc.
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