
> Hex encoding surely ought to increase the size by a factor of exactly 2?
> (Plus a few bytes for the tag and length.)
2 is correct without the colon but the OpenSSL function I use adds them.
Of course you are right, it would be possible with 2 :)
> An extension has an OID, a criticality flag, and a value.  The value is
> an OCTET STRING containing the DER encoding of some ASN.1 type (defined
> by the extension).  For a private extension you can stick any type in
> there you choose.  An obvious choice for a binary blob is OCTET STRING.
> (It's probably not safe to stick any binary blob directly in the
> extnValue OCTET STRING, since processors (like OpenSSL) probably assume
> they can decode the value as DER even if they can't do much with it.)

Ok, so what I am currently doing is something like

            asndata = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
            ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(asndata, myData, myLength);

and then I add asndata to an extension I create:

            ex = X509_EXTENSION_create_by_NID( NULL, nid, 0, asndata );

In the one case, myData was the hex encoded data, in the other case it
was my raw binary data.

Is the DER encoding included here and if not, how can I add it for the
raw data?

Thank you very much,


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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