Plot Lost <> writes:


> For this particular project I'm required to check each step
> individually, not the entire chain at once.

That's what verifying the chain does (see the implementation of
X509_verify_cert()).  You could add a callback using
X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb().  That doesn't seem to have a separate
manpage but reading the manpage for SSL_CTX_set_verify() should explain
it.  (SSL_CTX_set_verify() just sets the callback in X509_STORE_CTX.)

> How can I get verify_cert to say that the server cert is ok according
> to the inter cert, regardless of any other cert that may be needed to
> complete the chain. (The code will then go on to check inter against
> root, or against another inter etc as needed asuming each step is
> completed ok)

Presuming using X509_verify_cert() and a callback really isn't suitable,
you can use X509_check_issued() to see if one certificate issued another
and check the signature by getting the public key (X509_get_pubkey())
and verifying using X509_verify().  Or something like that; really it
seems safer to me to use X509_verify_cert().

There are checks that have to be performed in context which
X509_verify_cert() does (path constraints, policy constraints, etc.),
and it seems easy to skip a few if you're not careful.  (See section 6
of RFC 5280.)
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