Please dont expect much response to this question. Going thro the man pages
of openssl will have all the necessary answers you are expecting. Do you
homework before coding.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Amit Kumar <> wrote:

> Hi team,
>    I am using SSL_Connect() in one of my projects and this SSL_connect is
> returning a value of -1.
>    With SSL_get_error() i can see it is *SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ?*
> *
> *
> *   Now i am not understanding why this can come and if this is there then
> should i call SSL_Connect again.
> *
>    I am really new to OpenSSL API's and learning it. Please consider me as
> a beginner while replying.
>   Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Amit Kumar
> Engineer

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