Thanks.  This is  some very useful information and more than I knew.  When I 
get back to work on Monday, or possibly before if I go in for a few  minutes, I 
will send the full g++ command I am using as well as the error messages..

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael S. Zick <>
To: openssl-users <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 6:53 am
Subject: Re: Trying to Link Statically to Libcrypto

On Sat July 16 2011, wrote:
 I am already linking in -lldap.  Will -lopenldap work better?

It is hard to say without seeing your full command input and
he output of where the linker is looking for libraries and
n what order.
__order matters__

 > link to OpenSSL first, and then OpenLdap (order matters):
 > gcc ... -lcrypto -lopenldap
If doing the linking with the compiler driver, add:
o the command options so the linker will output each library
s it searches for symbols.
If calling the linker directly, just add:
o the link command options
The "-t" option is the "trace" option to the linker.
 > Jeff

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