p12 files can contain multiple certificates (full chain). It seems to install full chain,
however i had root cert already installed, for this chain.

I do not know, how to add a der (or pem) file to existing p12 file.
Probably it wold be easier to make a new p12 file
from all necessary der (or pem) files.

For certificate management i have used xca
(xca.sourceforge.net)(it is a GUI for openssl certificate management tools)
(it does not handle ecdsa with anything else than sha1, though).

Citējot Travis Dimmig <tdim...@impulse.com>:

Perhaps I am asking the wrong question.  Files types aside, can one create a single file that can be used to install a full chain of trust on a windows machine?





From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org [mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of Travis Dimmig
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 3:08 PM
To: openssl-users@openssl.org
Subject: combined certificate


Can a .der file be combined with a .p12 file to install the full chain of trust with one file?

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