Generally ANY CA signature works with ANY ciphersuite. They are not related at all.

You mean:
Make a CA, which can sign a certificate, which can be used with these all ciphersuites?
In that case any signature method can be used. (ECDSA and RSA ciphersuites will not work with one certificate, but CA should be ok). This should work with any ciphersuite. In this case you will have to make a self signed (root) certificate for CA. It can use any type of public key (either RSA or ECC). 

Or, making a certificate, which can be used with these specified ciphersuites?
In that case, any signature method can be used (it depends on type of CA key), type of signature on certificate should not affect selection of ciphersuites, useable with that certificate (these only are affected by type of certificates public key). 

Or something else?

Citējot 櫻井英明 <>:

Sorry for confuse you.

My exactly purpose are to make ca signatures about following ciphersuites.


I think my question were confused because I did not understand what command to use.
Please do not care what command that I used.
Would you please teach me what command need to use and how to use ?


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