Le 22/09/2011 16:10, Roger No-Spam a écrit :

I'm trying to understand if openssl is a good base when implementing a system that is to be compliant with rfc 5280. Are there any limitations or missing parts in openssl?

Using OpenSSL, you can implement a system mostly compliant with RFC5280. You will have to enforce some constraints by yourself, for example: - check that the serial number of a certificate is positive and no longer than 20 octets
 - check the AVA lengths (64 for a CN, O, OU, ...)
- check that the basicConstraints extension for a CA is present and critical, with its CA flag set - check that the certification path of a verified certificate and the certification path of the CRL used to check its revocation status meet to the very same trustpoint (key)
 - ... probably some others

The fact is OpenSSL is not "pure RFC5280", it's a toolkit you can use for pretty much anything regarding PKI (X.509 and others), crypto, SSL, ... RFC5280 is a profile of X.509, i.e. X.509 with constraints.

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