Let me first say I have read the User Guide and Security Policy
repeatedly, as well as the Incore Tutorial, looked through this users
group, and read anything else I could find - so I'm not being lazy,
although my questions may be pedestrian... Please correct any
misunderstandings along the way.

I understand that when fipscanister.o is built, its SHA1 digest is
calculated and saved. Then when an application links to
fipscanister.o, fipsld is used, which checks that the SHA1 is correct,
and then calculates the digest for the application and rebuilds it
with that digest embedded. Then, when the application is run and calls
FIPS_mode_set(), the digest is calculated and checked against the
embedded value.

I think that openssl itself is an example of an application built with
the fipscanister.o, is that correct?

When OpenSSL is built, it produces, among other things, the
libcrypto.a static library, which contains what was sequestered in
fipscanister.o.Is that correct?

Now I have a big application to build, and it will have the
FIPS-capable OpenSSL in it. When I do the build, I think the
instructions say that the SHA1 digest has to be re-calculated on this
application, and that value embedded where the previous standalone
value was. Is that correct?

Is my application pulling in the FIPS stuff by linking in the libcrypto.a?

If my application is just too large and complex, do I pretty much need
to go with the shared library, and avoid the part where the digest is
recalculated/re-embedded in the application itself?

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