Thanks Dave. That part of it is clear now.
Another doubt I have is about the SSL_CTX_set_client_ca_list and the

I understand that the set method is called by the server to set the list of
CA names that it actually expects from the client. And the client calls
ssl_get_client_ca_list to get these names and send the appropriate CA
certificates in its chain for verification to the server.
I assume that both these methods are actually optional even when
flag is set to true, i.e., client verifies server and server verifies

I set up my server and client without these two methods and things still go
fine. What would be the exact purpose of this family of methods? What I
understand from my reading is that the SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list function
is only needed by server applications that verify the identity of remote
client applications when SSL sessions are started and that if the
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list function is not used and you request a client
certificate, the list of CA names that get passed to the client application
are the CAs from the SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations function.

Is my understanding correct?


On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Dave Thompson <>wrote:

> >       From: On Behalf Of Ashok C
> >       Sent: Tuesday, 20 December, 2011 04:16
> >       What will be the recommendation from the open source community for
> > supporting the following scenario in a openSSL based client/server
> application:
> >       The certificates involved:
> >       old CA certificate of the CA authority(root)
> >       new CA certificate of the CA authority(root)
> >       Server's end entity certificate issued by the old CA certificate,
> > Server's end entity certificate issued by the new CA certificate
> >       Client's end entity certificate issued by the new CA certificate
> >       SSL_VERIFY_PEER set to TRUE. i.e., Client verifies server
> certificate
> > and server verifies client certificate.
> Note: in client SSL_VERIFY_PEER fails if server cert doesn't verify;
> in server it requests cert from client, and fails if client cert
> is provided and doesn't verify, but succeeds if client doesn't provide
> cert. To fail in the latter case, add SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT.
> Or else after the handshake explicitly check SSL_get_peer_certificate
> and if missing do some appropriate error.
> Important note: make sure the old and new root certs have different
> names. (Same for intermediate CAs, which your example doesn't have.)
> OpenSSL looks-up using Issuer name only. It *verifies* AKI if present,
> and of course uses subjectkey to verify child and thus gets an error
> if lookup found wrong parent. But it looks-up only by name, so if
> old and new certs have the same name OpenSSL may use the wrong one.
> >       Scenario:
> >       Now, the client in its SSL_load_verify_locations() will need to
> > load both the old CA certificate as well as the new CA certificate.
> <snip>
> >       So, now it is like loading multiple trust anchors in a single file.
> >       So here, is it better to use the CAFile option to load [] a single
> > concatenated PEM file(CAFile)) or is it better to use the CAPath option
> > for this scenario: [with hashnames]
> Either. Whichever you or your users prefer.
> Usual caveat: the CApath hash changed between 0.9.8 and 1.0.0.
> Make sure to use the correct one for the code you run.
> Rarer caveat: CApath can be updated while a program using it is
> running; generally this only matters for a (very) long-running
> server. CAfile ignores updates, unless you re-load explicitly.
> >       Basically we wanted to know if CAFile would give a problem
> > in case of multiple trust anchor certificates put together?
> No problem; that's quite normal. The truststore, either CAfile
> or CApath or a combination, exists to contain all trusted roots
> and usually (though not always) there are multiple roots.
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