On Thu January 12 2012, Dave Thompson wrote:
> > From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Wojciech Kocjan
> > Sent: Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 14:47
> > I am working on reworking existing code that uses several OpenSSL APIs
> > from using files to store keys, certificates and CAs to passing this
> > directly from memory (so that it can be retrieved from memory, read
> > from encrypted storage among other things).
> > 
> > This is my first post here, so if this is not the correct group and/or
> > anything below seems obvious/completely incorrect, please feel free to
> > correct me.
> > 
> > Our code currently uses the following APIs:
> > 
> > - SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file and SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
> > 
> > This part seems easier. From what I understand, I can use BIO_s_mem
> > and pass it key/certificate data from memory. I could then use PEM to
> > get EVP_PKEY or X509.
> > 
> For PEM files yes. For DER files (which OpenSSL also supports here) 
> use d2i_*_bio on BIO_s_mem or d2i_* directly on memory.
> > Then I could just invoke SSL_CTX_use_certificate() and
> > SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey() directly.
> > 
> > In practice it may be a bit more complex, but at least I know 
> > the solution.
> > 
> > - SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations and SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_lis
> > 
> > This part is the harder one. I was not able to find any APIs 
> > to do this.
> > 
> _set_client_CA_list already takes STACK_OF(X509). Instead of 
> getting that stack from SSL_load_client_CA_file, construct it 
> yourself with sk_X509_new etc. Or use SSL_add_client_CA instead.
> _load_verify_ is the hard one. The builtin X509_STORE/X509_LOOKUP 
> mechanism only does PEM files. It *is* pluggable -- you can 
> substitute your own LOOKUP's -- but it appears to me you have to 
> reimplement quite a bit, and I haven't made the attempt.
> > Another alternative I was wondering about is whether I can provide
> > another way for OpenSSL to access the keys - i.e. so that I can tell
> > that filename is something like mystorage://key1.pem and OpenSSL would
> > use my BIO (or create BIO_s_mem and preload it with data) instead of
> > BIO_s_file.
> > 
> AFAIK not at the OpenSSL level for _load_verify_.
> If your OS has any kind of virtual files or filesystems, you could 
> use those. Most(?) nowadays have at least something for remote files, 
> like NFS or NetBIOS/SMB, that you can use/fake with enough effort.
> AIUI at least Windows and Linux have ways to install your own driver, 
> which could do this sort of thing, but those aren't simple to write.
> This is dependent on your OS of course, and often requires 'root' 
> or 'admin' which an SSL (and OpenSSL) app doesn't otherwise need.
> Similarly, your C library's "fopen" *could* have a capability like 
> this. But I haven't seen it in any commonly used ones. I've heard 
> a rumor Plan9 does, but I doubt you (or your users) use Plan9.

If using gnu/binutils ld to build your application for the custom
OS (or native ld on HP-UX or Solaris) you can use the linker's:
--wrap=symbol command option to provide your own "fopen" as required.


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