I'm not terribly familiar with OIDs in ASN.1 and the like, so I wanted
to confirm that I have the correct impression here.

If I were to create a custom X.509 certificate extension for use within
my enterprise and with others outside who wanted to write or modify
their own software to interoperate with it, I'd need to assign an OID
for this extension, right? And for that, would the standard way to do
this be to assign an OID underneath the one assigned to us by the IANA
in their Private Enterprise Number list[1], right?

(I note that [1] claims to be the "SMI Network Management Private
Enterprise Codes", but I gather that others use this for pretty much
anything where they need a unique OID.)

[1]: http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers

Curt Sampson         <c...@cynic.net>         +81 90 7737 2974
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my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my
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