On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Dr. Stephen Henson <st...@openssl.org>wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012, Kevin Fowler wrote:
> > Thanks Harvey,
> > This seems to have worked as far as getting the .rodata section used.
> This
> > is what I see now:
> >
> > 001b5740 g     O .rodata        00000010 FIPS_rodata_start
> > 001b5750 l     O .rodata        00000011 FIPS_hmac_key
> > 001b57bc g     O .rodata        00000036 FIPS_bn_version
> > 001c1e08 g     O .rodata        00000010 FIPS_rodata_end
> > 001fb1cc g     O .data  00000014 FIPS_signature
> >
> > My problem now is that when I build an executable (I'm using the simple
> > hmac.c example in the user guide, with the Makefile modified to use a
> > shared library) that uses the shared libcrypto.so, and run it on my
> target,
> > it just spits out a hash value, no matter what options I give it. For
> > example:
> >
> > # ./hmac
> > 334286d0c4ca79f97921fa782c7269e972e0a420
> >
> > Before I used the suggested "-f" options, this app at least worked for
> > non-fips and gave me an error when enabling fips mode. Now I don't
> > understand what it is doing, but I think it is trying to tell me
> something!!
> >
> > I've tried messing around with different INCORE_ADJUST values, but that
> > does not seem to make any difference. I don't really understand how
> incore2
> > is supposed to work: it calculates a lot of stuff and dumps out values
> but
> > never appears to modify the executable or library.
> >
> > I've also tried static linking of libcrypto.a into the executable - same
> > result.
> >
> You need to use the "fipsld" script to link the target. It obtains the
> signature and embeds it. You need to set FIPS_SIG environment variable to
> point to the incore script.
> Steve.

Yes, I was doing that, but I was getting the procedure for the older
FIPS/OpenSSL version mixed up
with the one for the new FIPS/OpenSSL version.

The key thing I realized is that the incore script that comes with the FIPS
Object Module v2.0  tarball
handles both native AND cross-compile scenarios. I had thought for
cross-compiling we needed to
replace it with the incore2 script on the website (like I think incore.gz
was needed with the previous
FIPS release..?).

After I had gotten the extra "-f" options from Harvey for this platform
(BSD-powerpc), I kept trying to
get it to work with the incore2 script, but didn't really know what to do
with it. I ended up embedding
the signature "by-hand" by running a test app on my target, getting the
hash it spat out, and
then rebuilding the libcrypto.so with -DHASH_SHA1_SIG set to that hash.

Then, while solving the "what should INCODE_ADJUST be for my platform"
issue, the answer I figured
out helped me to see that the FIPS_text_startX/endX symbols used by the
latest incore script for v2.0
solves the whole problem for cross-compiled binaries and embeds the correct
signature in the correct
location without all the "by-hand" stuff.

I rebuilt the whole thing pointing FIPS_SIG to the correct incore script,
with the necessary compiler
options from Harvey for this platform/compiler, and then everything worked
fine automatically.

I learned a lot of interesting things along the way, so aside from time
spent and the bruised forehead,
everything is good. I have now had to add one line to config, Configure,
and fips_canister.c in the
FIPS module to get it to work on my target. Oh well.


> Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
> Commercial tech support now available see: http://www.openssl.org
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