
The behavior of this function in openssl 1.0.1 seems changed (compared with 

In the early release, the user key parameter could be NULL if only the user 
cert was interested.
e.g. PKCS12_parse(p12, password, NULL, &cert, NULL) used to return the cert.

In 1.0.1, both the key and the cert parameter have to be non-NULL (may not be 
initialized though),
Otherwise the cert will not be returned. See code in evp_pbe.c:

    133     while ((x = sk_X509_pop(ocerts)))
    134         {
    135         if (pkey && *pkey && cert && !*cert)
    136             {
    137             if (X509_check_private_key(x, *pkey))
    138                 {
    139                 *cert = x;  <== cert is only returned when both pkey 
and cert are not NULL
    140                 x = NULL;
    141                 }
    142             }

Is this change intended or a bug?


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