On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 5:41 AM, pkumarn <prashanth.kuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I had earlier posted query on AES_Keywrap() usage and had good response on
> the same and got lot of things clarified. Now i am successful in using
> AES_wrap_key() API but i am running into a new problem.
> I need to wrap 512bit key with 256 bit KEK key. When i do this, i am hitting
> seg fault in AES_wrap_key(). When i do gdb, it points to memcpy(). From the
> code i didn't see any limitation of not using 512 bit key. Am i missing
> something? Below is my sample code which works successfully for 256 bit Key.
> Below code can be enabled for 512 bit with the macro KEY512.
Forgive my ignorance (I did not refer to the RFC), but is a 256
KEK/512 CEK a valid combination?

Perhaps you can "stretch" the 256 key with two iterations of SHA-256.
It won't affect your choice of security levels, and will match KEK/CEK
key sizes.

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