
We have added SSL/TLS support into our legacy FTP server using OpenSSL.
Thanks for the great code BTW :)

We are able to test SSL/TLS renegotiation for FTP control channel (port 21)
using "openssl s_client" but looking for a way to test data channel (port
20) renegotiation too.

Are you aware of an FTP client that is able to trigger an SSL/TLS
renegotiation so that we can see if our FTP server is not broken? I can see
that "openssl s_client" could not be used for data channel.

BTW: we read the API and coded accordingly but just want to test and see
the data channel renegotiation is working fine just like we did and made
sure for control channel.


it is twice as difficult to debug a program as to write it. Therefore, if
you put all of your creativity and effort into writing the program, you are
not smart enough to debug it.

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