
Is there a way in which I can determine the correct issuer certificate of
an issued certificate(either intermediate CA or end entity) based on
comparing immediate pair alone.
My hierarchy is like this:

Intermediate CA 1
Intermediate CA 2
End entity

Is it possible to determine that Intermediate CA2 is the issuer of the End
entity certificate without having to traverse the full hierarchy?

I do not want to depend upon issuername-subjectname comparisons alone(As
this is not deterministic and conclusive).
I do not want to depend upon Authority Key Identifier /Subject Key
Identifier's keyId fields(As most CAs seem to not have this extension at

Basically I want some signature check method from openSSL can take two
certificates as input and tell me if one has issued the other:

int openSSL_signature_check(X509* issuer_certificate, X509*
    int return_code = signature_check(issuer_certificate,
        if (0 == return_code)
            return YES_ISSUER_IS_CORRECT;
            return NO_ISSUER_IS_NOT_CORRECT;

Is something like this already available in openSSL?

One more question:
Given a certificate and trust store, openSSL's verify utility currently
returns OK in case the verification was successful. Is there a way in which
I can retrieve the formed and verified chain of certificates back?


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