> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of CharlesTSR
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 August, 2012 17:12

You've already followed-up with some, but a few more points:

> I am porting an existing Windows-based TCP/IP server 
> (receive-only, not a Web server) to OpenSSL.
> The way it works with TCP/IP is it sets up a socket, binds it 
> to the desired port [and select's with a timeout] <snip>
> Most of that ports fairly straightforwardly to OpenSSL. Not 
> one to one, but
> pretty straghtforward: BIO_new_accept(), BIO_do_accept() * 2, 
> BIO_pop(), SSL_setbio(), ...
> What about the select? Is there some sort of BIO_select()? Is 
> there some way
> to do SSL on native sockets rather than BIO objects? BIO has 
> (I think!) a
> regular system socket under the covers -- is there a supported API for
> getting that socket so I can do a select on it?
No and yes. socketBIO, and its variants acceptBIO and connectBIO, 
are fairly thin wrappers on Unix sockets or Windows winsock.
(Technically sockets+netdb because for historical reasons they 
are considered separate although almost always used together.)

If you use BIO to open a socket, BIO_get_fd returns sd or HANDLE,
you can use for native calls like select/poll and get/setsockopt.
(Technically you could call send and recv, but adding or removing 
data will screw up the SSL protocol, which won't be helpful.)

Alternatively as you've already found you can open the socket 
with socket() gethostbyname() bind() listen() connect() accept() 
as applicable, and then SSL_set_fd, which wraps it in a BIO.

> Or do I have to re-write somehow with non-blocking sockets 
> and/or using
> signals for my timeout rather than select()? Or ... ?
You do need to use nonblocking if/when you want a timelimit, 
and SSL_get_error to tell you which direction to select for.
For accept=handshake it's obvious you need both directions, 
but even for _read and _write (if you do those nonblocking) 
your code should be able to select for the 'wrong' direction 
in order to handle renegotiation.

I think you can set nonblocking only during SSL_accept (or 
_connect) and switch to blocking for data if you want that, 
but I haven't actually tested that combination. 

> I have tried getting TCP/IP bind and BIO_do/new_accept() to 
> coexist but they
> don't want to share a port, and my BIO_do_accept fails in the 
> absence of a
> preceding BIO_do/new_accept().
> Thanks much. Tried searching for an answer but "accept" and "bind" and
> "select" are such common keywords, and most of the hits are either for
> select for determining when a socket is readable or writable, or for
> OpenSSL's session timeouts.

Details are in SSL_get_error manpage, which is admittedly not the most 
obvious search, but SSL_connect/accept/read/write do point to it.

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