On 12/07/2012 11:05 AM, LN wrote:

> I have a feeling it does so because I tried to save that  returned
> EVP_PKEY to a PEM file with PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey and then to load it
> back from the same file with PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey.
> Saving worked, but loading failed (with some decoding error inside
> openss). The length of the base64 string in the PEM file for the key was
> very small in comparision with what is usually the length for private keys.

Often, at least for other HSM, a private key returned does not contain the real 
p and q
values but just some index to enumerate a key in the hsm. These are normally 
small numbers and not big primes.

you might see this if you do openssl rsa -text yourfile

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