I have function to convert certificate from DER to x509 as follow.
In below function I able to see in GDB "cert_der and  cert_len" is currect
But it crash on line as pointed below.

Why "d2i_X509" causing crash ?

Any help ?

RetCode convert_der_to_x509(uint8_t *cert_der, uint32_t cert_len)
  const unsigned char  *bptr = NULL;
  X509        *x509;

  bptr = (unsigned char *)cert_der;
  x509 = d2i_X509(NULL, &bptr, cert_len); /*CRASH on this line*/
  if (x509 == NULL)
    printf("DER to x509 converion failed");
    return -1;
  return 0;

sanjay kumar

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