maybe not - still confused

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light <>wrote:

> strange i think it has something to do with me using "rb" and "wb" instead
> of "r" and "w"...
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light <>wrote:
>> So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
>> encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
>> subdirectory.. i get garbage data,
>> I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using
>> it and what behaviour i'm getting:
>> ///////////////////////////////
>> /*
>>>   Example of ssl read and write to a file
>>>>   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl
>>>   ./a.out
>>>> */
>>>> #include <openssl/bio.h>
>>> #include <openssl/err.h>
>>> #include <openssl/rand.h>
>>> #include <openssl/ssl.h>
>>> #include <openssl/x509v3.h>
>>>> int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){
>>>  FILE* file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
>>>  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
>>>  long fileSize = ftell( file );
>>>  rewind( file );
>>>  *data = malloc( fileSize );
>>>  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );
>>>  fclose( file );
>>>  return fileSize;
>>> }
>>> void encrypt_file( char* filename ){
>>> char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];
>>>  strcpy( new_filename, filename );
>>>  strcat( new_filename, ".enc" );
>>>  char* data;
>>>  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, &data );
>>>  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)"mykey" );
>>>  free( data );
>>> }
>>>> int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned char
>>>> *key)
>>> {
>>>   int total, written;
>>>   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;
>>>   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */
>>>   file = BIO_new_file(filename, "wb");
>>>   if (!file)
>>>     return 0;
>>>   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */
>>>   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));
>>>   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */
>>> //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));
>>>   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of
>>>      BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */
>>>   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));
>>>   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);
>>>   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */
>>> //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);
>>> //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);
>>> BIO_push(cipher,buffer);
>>>   BIO_push(buffer, file);
>>>>   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as if
>>>> the
>>>      underlying file were non-blocking */
>>>   for (total = 0;  total < len;  total += written)
>>>     {
>>>       if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) <= 0)
>>>         {
>>>   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))
>>>             {
>>>       written = 0;
>>>       continue;
>>>             }
>>>   break;
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */
>>>   BIO_flush(cipher);
>>>   BIO_free_all(cipher);
>>> }
>>>> BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){
>>>   int total, written;
>>>   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;
>>>   //char *b = malloc(len);
>>>   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */
>>>   file = BIO_new_file(filename, "rb");
>>>   if (!file)
>>>     return 0;
>>>   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */
>>>   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));
>>>   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */
>>> //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));
>>>   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of
>>>      BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */
>>>   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));
>>>   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);
>>>   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */
>>> //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);
>>> //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);
>>> BIO_push(cipher,buffer);
>>>   BIO_push(buffer, file);
>>>   return cipher;
>>> }
>>> char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){
>>>   int total, written;
>>>> // char b[len + 1];
>>>   for (total = 0;  total < len;  total += written)
>>>     {
>>>       if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) <= 0)
>>>         {
>>>   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))
>>>             {
>>>       written = 0;
>>>       continue;
>>>             }
>>>   break;
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>   b[total] = '\0';
>>>   return b;
>>> }
>>>> int main(void)
>>> {
>>> //chdir("subdirectory");
>>> char *file_="test.txt";
>>>  char* data = "howdy\n";
>>>  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), "mykey");
>>>>  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)"mykey" );
>>>  char b[999999];
>>>  decrypt_read( cipher, 999999, b );
>>>  BIO_flush( cipher );
>>>  BIO_free_all( cipher );
>>>  printf(">%s\n",b);
>>>> //char* test="plain.txt";
>>> //encrypt_file(test);
>>>> }
>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> 1. So, first run creates and writes encrypted file "test.txt" and then
>> decrypts and prints out the contents, "howdy",
>> 2. Now, comment out line 141 // write_data( ... re-run to verify "howdy",
>> works fine
>> 3. make directory "temp", move "test.txt" into "temp" and change line 139
>> to reflect that: char *file_="temp/test.txt";.. re-run - I get no results ??
>> 4. Even more weird: change line 139 back to just "test.txt", and replace
>> file_ on line 143 with "temp/test.txt" ... so it reads: BIO* cipher =
>> decrypt_open( "temp/test.txt", (unsigned char*)"mykey" ); // re-run... now
>> it works again all of a sudden. BUT - if you comment out line 139 // char
>> *file_="test.txt";.... then it doesn't work again? Even though *file_ isn't
>> being used???

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