my program is an SSL client which is reading large amounts of data
without sending data itself (after the initial handshake).
My machine's connection does drop regularly, and I want to make sure
that my program detects the dropped connection instead of hanging in
read()/recv() forever.

My question is:
what is the *right* way to use SSL_read() so that a dropped connection
will be detected reliably?

I'm using a blocking socket that is passed to OpenSSL using the
SSL_set_fd() function (ie the BIO will be created automatically).

My first attempt was using setsockopt() to set a read timeout
(SO_RCVTIMEO). This does *not* help, because BIO_sock_non_fatal_error()
considers EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK non-fatal even for blocking fds
and just keeps going on.

Another attempt was to use select() to check if the socket is readable
just before calling SSL_read(), like so:


do {
    if (error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && !select (...))
      /* timeout, bail */

    nread = SSL_read (...);
    error = SSL_get_error (ssl, nread);
} while (error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ || error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE);

Without the SO_RCVTIMEO, this doesn't work either, probably because
I'm only using select() if SSL_read() failed with SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ

Am I supposed to unconditionally select() for readability before calling
SSL_read()? I think this might cause trouble if there is still
application data available to be read...
Am I supposed to use SSL_pending() to try to figure out if we need to
be able to read from the socket?

In combination with the socket timeout (SO_RCVTIMEO), the code above
does work, but it doesn't feel right.

I'm also wondering if BIO_sock_non_fatal_error() needs to be fixed to
treat EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK as fatal _iff_ the socket is blocking --
since that means that we hit a timeout.

I know I can work around this issue by manually checking errno for
but that seems the least solid solution.

Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
What am I missing?

Please CC me in your replies; I'm not subscribed to the list.


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