
We are producing a client-server-application which makes use of SSL.
The (UNIX hosted) servers answer on connect to its port with some kind
of GoodMorning message, always in clear text, like for example

200 SLNP CATserver@version:4.3@user:sisis@ssl:true

i.e. the server says with 'ssl:true' (or ssl:false) if it now switches
for the rest of the communication to SSL (or stays in clear text). This
is for historical reasons to support also clients, which are not SSL

We can not test such server anymore with

openssl s_client -connect server:port

because the s_client does not await the clear text GM message. I would
like to do as well tests with s_client and produced a special version of
our servers (controlled by an env var on start) which do not spill out the GM
message and just start awaiting a client talking SSL. This works fine
with s_client, but I'd like to have some way to not start special servers to
test with s_client...

Any idea how to let accept s_client the clear text before using SSL?


Matthias Apitz               |  /"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign:
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