
OpenSSL 1.0.2 has a new interface for creating a new ECDSA_METHOD. Unlike the corresponding RSA_METHOD structure the ECDSA_METHOD structure is privately defined in header file ecs_locl.h, and there are functions like ECDSA_METHOD_set_sign() etc. to override members of the structure.

From header file "ecs_locl.h":

struct ecdsa_method
        const char *name;
        ECDSA_SIG *(*ecdsa_do_sign)(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,
                        const BIGNUM *inv, const BIGNUM *rp, EC_KEY *eckey);
        int (*ecdsa_sign_setup)(EC_KEY *eckey, BN_CTX *ctx, BIGNUM **kinv,
                        BIGNUM **r);
        int (*ecdsa_do_verify)(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,
                        const ECDSA_SIG *sig, EC_KEY *eckey);
#if 0
        int (*init)(EC_KEY *eckey);
        int (*finish)(EC_KEY *eckey);
        int flags;
        char *app_data;

What seems to be missing is a function to set and get the "app_data" member. Was that forgotten? If the application needs an app_data pointer, it looks like one needs to copy the structure definition in order to be able to get and set the app_data pointer.

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