On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Liz Fall <f...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I am getting the following with my client cert when trying to connect to
> an SSL-enabled MongoDB:
> 2014-09-03T13:37:56.881-0500 ERROR: cannot read PEM key file:
> /users/apps/tstlrn/u019807/DTCD9C3B2F42757.ent.wfb.bank.corp_mongo_wells.pem
> error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
> The cert file is the following:
> • DTCD9C3B2F42757.ent.wfb.bank.corp_mongo_wells.pem
> • WF Enterprise CA 02 certificate, signed by WF Root
> • WF Root certificate
You should probably post the certificate somewhere so others can examine it.

> I was told by the support at MongoDB to do the following:
> §  Copy the certificates into a text editor to ensure there is no
> whitespace
> §  Ensure the beginning and end certificate statements are on there own
> line and have the same number of '-' at each end.
> §  Ensure each line has 64 chars (except the last line)
I don't believe OpenSSL has these restrictions.

Are they MongoDB requirements?

> I have checked and verified that there is no whitespace.  Also, the BEGIN
> and END statements look correct.  However, each line in the cert is 76
> chars in length, except for the last line.  Should the lines be
> 64-characters long?

The following will tell you if the problem is with the certificate or lies

    openssl x509 -in ...bank.corp_mongo_wells.pem -inform PEM -text -noout

You can also try -inform DER if the certificate is ASN.1/DER encoded. If it
is, then convert it from DER to PEM.

If you can dump the certificate, then the certificate is probably OK and
the problem likely lies elsewhere.


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