On 09/09/2014 14:18, Salz, Rich wrote:
May I suggest 4096 bit with SHA-256.
I think the next step after 2K-RSA is ECC, and that 4K RSA isn't going to see 
much deployment because of the computational cost.  At least, that's how we see 
things at my employer.
There was (some years ago) a heated debate between Certicom/NSA and
the rest of the crypto community regarding the RSA sizes needed to
match a given symmetric key security level.  I don't know if it was
ever resolved, but I guess some are going to use the old Certicom
list to choose their RSA key sizes.

Another, related problem is the large amount of patent FUD (and
maybe real issues too) regarding the ECC patent situation, causing
many applications to only use traditional RSA, DSA and DH, rather
than their ECC counterparts.  Until this problem is truly resolved
for everybody (not just the OpenSSL project and the US Government),
supporting even painfully slow RSA, DSA and DH key lengths is a
practical necessity.  Note that the only public guidance I have
found on this was written by the NSA, which affects it credibility
in the current international political climate.

One problem which I recently encountered when using stunnel for a
dedicated long running session is that OpenSSL 1.0.1 apparently
rejects large client keys with "SSL_accept: 1408E098: error:
1408E098:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_MESSAGE:excessive message size",
which forced me to downgrade from 6K RSA to 4K RSA for the client
auth.  But this was for a dedicated link where the CPU overhead
was acceptable.

And Chrome+Firefox still happily uses MD5 to sign SPKAC after offering you
to create Low (512), Medium (1024) or High (2048) grade encryption keys
(patch available for ages BTW) ...
If you can point me to patches, email, or whatever I can try to make sure those 
links get seen by folks in charge.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  http://www.wisemo.com
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