On 4/15/15 4:59 AM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

Can you try with a different compiler? Is Clang available to you? (If
not, I can provide you with a script or recipe to build it).

Here's what one person was just saying about Sun's compiler on another
list. He maintains another crypto-toolkit:

... ghastly C compilers (or, in Sun's case, a non-C compiler that pretended
to be a compiler so you had to use all sorts of trickery to determine whether
there was a real compiler present or not).

Libel. Once Upon a Time, Sun shipped something called /usr/ucb/cc which was an abomination, but wouldn't be in any sane user's PATH. Oracle ships gcc (which compiles a language called gcc, which only vaguely resembles C, because the authors don't believe in the C standards), and also has the Solaris Studio compiler suite, which is an excellent C compiler (but doesn't know all of the bizarre dialects of gcc, e.g. 'a ?: b' *shudder*).

The real issue is usually inline assembly being in GNU format, which is incompatible with all others. Oracle's /usr/ccs/bin/as doesn't always understand all the GNUisms.

But none of this is relevant to the OP's issue.


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