I recently implemented a secured communication between two sites in which one 
acts as the server and the other as the client. To accomplish this, I used 
openssl to generate self-signed CA, Server and Client certificates (the calls 
are made using cURL).
It all works beautifully and, testing my "proof-of-concept" has shown that if 
one of the pieces is missing from the equation (CA, Server, Client 
certificates), the communication ceases.
But once I showed my work to people in my company, one of them asked me why did 
I choose not to add the client hostname to the Client Certificate, thus making 
it usable only by that specific client.
And so I started searching online for ways to do it, but found nothing. I also 
looked into the openssl site and documentation and found nothing there either. 
The truth is that I don't even know if this is possible or even if this is the 
right question to ask. 
But can it be done? And if so, could you show me how, or where should I go to 
get more information on how to accomplish this?
If you need more information on how I setup this communication, please let me 
know and I will be glad to share it here.
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