
Can someone please help with this issue? I am trying to build version
1.0.2e with VS 2015 and got the following build error with 32 bit, 64
bit builds fine ,

searching online it seems to have been resolved, not sure how to get
the fix and which files are affected by the fix. Can someone please
help with this?

        perl crypto\sha\asm\sha1-586.pl win32 /MT /Ox /O2 /Ob2
-DOPENSSL_THREADS  -DDSO_WIN32 -W3 -Gs0 -GF -Gy -nologo


-DOPENSSL_NO_DYNAMIC_ENGINE >tmp32\sha1-586.asm

        ml /nologo /Cp /coff /c /Cx /Zi /Fotmp32\sha1-586.obj tmp32\sha1-586.asm

Assembling: tmp32\sha1-586.asm

tmp32\sha1-586.asm(1432) : error A2070:invalid instruction operands

tmp32\sha1-586.asm(1576) : error A2070:invalid instruction operands

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\ml.EXE"' : return code '0x1'




Abdul Razik
Mobile: 512 550 4282
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