On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 09:32:01AM -0500, Ken Goldman wrote:

> > The "aes-256-cbc" argument is wrong.  Try "-aes256".
> BTW, I got aes-256-cbc from
> https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Command_Line_Elliptic_Curve_Operations
> and > openssl list-cipher-commands

When cipher names are used as options, they need a leading "-".

> > Also, take a look at test/certs/mkcert.sh:
> I looked at that, but what is $bits?

The curve name.

> openssl genpkey -out cakeyecc.pem -outform pem -pass pass:rrrr -aes256
> -algorithm ec pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -text

You're sure fond of leaving off the leading "-" in option names.
You'll also really want the "ec_param_enc" option when you get
the rest of the syntax right.

> openssl genpkey -out cakeyecc.pem -outform pem -pass pass:rrrr -aes256
> -algorithm ec pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 pkeyopt
> ec_param_enc:named_curve -text

So this one is much closer, but now has two missing "-"s in "pkeyopt".

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