Hi All,


Once upon a time in the 0.98 timeframe, when I first configured OpenSSL as a
test OCSP server, using the format -port 8888 worked. This format however
stopped working when version 1.0 was released. After living inside Google
like Jeff Bridges in Tron, it came to light that the format needed to be
-port at which point the OCSP server was resurrected. Now with
version 1.1 uses the v1.0 format it returns the message:

ocsp: Can't parse "" as an octal number

ocsp: Non-positive number "" for -port

ocsp: Use -help for summary.

error in ocsp


Falling back to the v0.98 format, that is going back to -port 8888, allows
the server to start, and the message "Waiting for OCSP client
connections..." is displayed. The problem is, the client can't make the
connection and the OCSP process times out. This all leads up to the
question, has anyone been able to get version 1.1 to act as an OCSP server
using the -port option?







Steven Madwin

Software QA Engineer

Adobe Systems Incorporated

345 Park Avenue, MS-W15

San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA

Phone:   408.536.4343

Fax:         408.536.6024

 <mailto:steven.mad...@adobe.com> steven.mad...@adobe.com



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