Yeah that does sounds scary.
I will look into vendors options.
Dean Warren 

-----Original Message-----
From: openssl-users <> On Behalf Of Kyle 
Sent: 16 July 2018 10:26
To: openssl-users <>
Subject: Re: [openssl-users] Deployment

Generally, you *really* do not want to replace the vendor-provided version.  
Vendors often alter things to be more compatible with their ABIs, which are the 
binary interfaces that other programs use to link to the vendor-provided 

If you find you actually do want to, it's best to figure out how to get the 
source code of the vendor package you currently have installed, determine what 
patches were applied by the vendor, then apply those patches to the newer 
library version, and rebuild.  If you have a command that can build a system 
installation package from source code and maybe patches that you provide, that 
would be even better.  If you can do that, you can then install the new package 
you just compiled as an upgrade.

If you can't build a new system package, you have to figure out what files were 
installed by the vendor's openssl package, and back them up.  Then, you need to 
find the associated versions built by you, and place them by hand.

And if you can't get the source code to the system version, you're going to 
have to wing it.  On a machine that you can make mistakes on without 
inconveniencing other users, do the same thing as if you couldn't build a new 
system package.  Then, after placing everything, you would generally (on most 
Linuxes, depending how recent their package is) run 'ldconfig' to rebuild 
the symbolic links to what they should be.  But here's the scary part: you then 
need to shut the machine down, bring it back up, and attempt to connect to it 
via ssh or something.  You will need to test *every* package that you use that 
links to openssl, in case there were any ABI incompatibilities introduced by 
the vendor.
If there are any problems, you'll need to contact the vendor for an updated 
version.  This may require paying additional support fees.

Good luck!

-Kyle H

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 1:36 AM, Dean Warren <> wrote:
> Built openssl 0.9.8za with no problems on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
> Just followed
> Works a treat - thanks.
> However on sudo make install the new version doesn’t replace the 
> system installed version (obviously this may be different per system).
> How to make sudo make install overwrite my system version?
> Is this a parameter within ./Configure?
> And/or is it also OK to just replace original bins with symbolic links 
> to new built openssl binary and library (are there others?)?
> Thanks in advance
> Dean Warren
> Solutions Architect – Space Division
> SCISYS UK Limited
> T:  +44 (0)117 916 5182
> F:  +44 (0)117 916 5299
> E:
> SCISYS UK Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 4373530.
> Registered Office: Methuen Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0GB, UK.
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