> This makes sense - however there don’t appear to be any APIs in openssl that 
> allow you to manipulate a X509_REQ_INFO structure. I can create it, and 
> encode/decode it, but there is no X509_REQ_INFO_get_subject_name() (or 
> friends) to populate the structure. X509_REQ_INFO itself is opaque.

I believe you said you're using 1.0.2, right?  The structures aren't opaque 
there.  You can make your X509_REQ and populate its name etc as you already 
are, and then i2d_X509_REQ_INFO its req_info member.

(Even in the 1.1 API, where they are opaque, i2d_re_X509_REQ_tbs will encode a 
given X509_REQ's X509_REQ_INFO for you.)

Good luck,

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