> From: Viktor Dukhovni <openssl-us...@dukhovni.org>
> >
> > In the script, I used this:
> >
> >     openssl ec -aes128 -passout pass:rrrr -in tmpecprivkeydec.pem
> -out tmpecprivkey.pem
> I try to avoid putting sensitive information in command-line arguments.
> If you're using "bash" (which has "printf" as a built-in) you could use:
>    -passout file:<(printf "rrrr\n")
> which does not create any processes with the password in the argument
> Example:
> $ openssl enc -aes128 -pass file:<(printf "rrrr\n") <<EOF | openssl
> enc -d -aes128 -pass file:<(printf "rrrr\n")
> > foobar
> > EOF
> foobar

Understood, but this is just for a regression test script.


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