These is a testvector available in NIST Keyagrn_186-3_Random

Is it possible to verify this with OpenSSL1.1.1a. If yes, Can you please
give the corresponding APIs to be used.

I considered prandom, qrandom as factors p, q and tried checking RSA key
generation with the mentioned exponent. But results are not as expected. I
guess prandom, qrandom are to be used as only initial random prime numbers
and see that key generation tries to generate a new random number when they
are not meeting the criteria as mentioned in the *.txt file (reason as part
of Result) .
Just my assumption.

Is this file really a test vector and implementations should comply? I see
some info about this in rsa2vs.pdf (available in NIST) section

How OpenSSL complies to this.

Thanks !!

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