[Apologies if the formatting here is a little screwy. For the moment I have to 
use Outlook Web Interface, which is even more problematic than the standalone 
Outlook client.]

> > Different OpenSSL release?
> yes
>  openssl version
>         OpenSSL 1.1.1c  28 May 2019

Eh, that's probably it. I have the 1.1.1c sources here but haven't built it 
yet, on this machine. I'll give it a try over the weekend if I get a chance. 

> > Difference in build configuration?
> yes

Nothing in your config stands out to me. I think it's some change introduced in 
1.1.1c. If no one else on the list chimes in, I'll try debugging it once I have 
a chance.
> > Configuration file difference?
> which config file are you referring to?

The default OpenSSL configuration file. openssl.cnf, in the directory displayed 
by "openssl version -d". But I can't think offhand of anything in the 
configuration file that I'd expect to have this sort of effect. I don't think 
even engines would normally have any effect on cipher-list processing this way.

Michael Wojcik

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